
2025 Computing Science (Higher) Bundle with PowerPoint[CS(BDLH)25]

2025 Computing Science (Higher) Bundle with PowerPoint

2025 Computing Science (Higher) Bundle with PowerPoint[CS(BDLH)25]


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Two Complete Higher Computing Science prelim paper (80 marks, 2 hours) - Papers A and B.

We write two Higher papers each year, this bundle contains both Paper A and Paper B. Providing two papers allows centres to deliver two prelims or to have additional material for assessment/revision purposes.

These papers have been prepared to conform to the changes to the assessment model for 2022 and onwards.
The question papers both have the following format:
  • Section 1 (55 Marks): Software Design & Development and Computer Systems
  • Section 2 (optional, 25 Marks): Database Design and Development
  • Section 3 (optional, 25 Marks): Web Design and Development.

Section 1 (mandatory) will allow candidates to demonstrate their breadth of knowledge and understanding from the course and problem solving abilities in Software Development and Computer Systems.

All sections will contain a mix of short-answer, restricted response questions and structured, extended response questions.

These question paper are prepared to match the balance, style and marking guidelines of the Diet 2023 SQA paper at this level. The detailed marking guidelines provide example responses and guidance notes. We provide a full breakdown of the question type (A/C), related item from the Course Assessment Specification and marks available. 

This paper includes a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of the paper and answers to use when feeding back to candidates.

Papers are prepared by writers with many years of experience of setting, marking and vetting papers for SQA at multiple levels.

All questions are new and not previously seen. All 2023/2024 papers conform to the current SQA Course Specification and changes to assessment. Perfect Papers will update papers should SQA amend their assessment guidance. Our 2023/2024 papers are valid for the 2024 SQA examination diet.

We are always seeking to improve our papers and update papers based on customer feedback as needed.

Adapted option includes a complete digital question paper, created as a PDF document, which can be completed using Adobe Reader or TextHelp Orbit Note. Files are provided in Microsoft Word, PDF or Adapted formats (which includes Microsoft Word and Digital Paper PDF) as downloads from our web store.